Learn about File and Edit Menu items in Microsoft Word - GK MOST



Thursday, 16 April 2020

Learn about File and Edit Menu items in Microsoft Word

Microsoft Word has a different menu. These include File, Edit, View, Insert, Format, Tools, Tables, Windows, Help menu.

        From all these menus, we will now get detailed information about the File menu and the Edit menu, so remember that you do not miss the Microsoft Word menu.

FILE MENU : (Alt + F) :

Learn about File and Edit Menu items in Microsoft Word
Learn about File and Edit Menu items in Microsoft Word

⥤ New : This option is used to create any new document.

⥤ Open : This option is used to open any created file.

⥤ Close : This option is used to close any open file or file we are working with.

⥤ Save : This option is used to store the created document on the harddisk.

⥤ Save As Web Page : We can save the word file as a webpage.

⥤ Page Setup : We can change this option with the help of setting the margins of the file, the size                                 of the page, the layout of the page.

⥤ Print Preview : What ever document or file we are working on and after printing it out, we can                                      see how the print out of this file can be seen from the help of this option.

⥤ Print : This option is used to print the file out.

EDIT MENU (Alt +E) :

Learn about File and Edit Menu items in Microsoft Word
Learn about File and Edit Menu items in Microsoft Word

⥤ Undo : This option is used to cancel the last process.

⥤ Redo : To redo the last canceled process.

⥤ Cut : This option is used if certain information is to be removed from the file.

⥤ Copy : For any information to be copied.

⥤ Paste : The copy of the information for which the copy command is given is to be copied, instead                   of going to the cursor rhythm giving this option, the copied information gets there.

⥤ Clear : If you want to remove any information, first select that information and give this option as                   soon as that information is removed.

⥤ Select All : This option is used to select all the information contained in the open file.

⥤ Find : This option is used to search any word from an open document.

⥤ Replace : This option is used if you want to put another word in the open document instead of                              one word.

⥤ Goto : This option is used if you want to go to a specific page number, etc. in the document.