Data Entry Ms Access Short keys Khoje
Learn how to use the shortcut key and make MS Access faster data entry when you are entering data.
1) Opening Database Files :-
Ctrl + N → Open a new database.
Ctrl + N → open an existing database.
Alt + F4 → quit mircosoft access.
2) Printing and Saveing :-
Ctrl + P → Print the current or selected object.
Ctrl + P → Open the print dialog box.
S → Open the page setup dialog box from print preview.
P → Open the print dialog box from print preview.
C Or Esc → Cancel print preview or layout preview.
Ctrl + S → Save a database object.
3) Using Combo Boxes and List Boxes :-
F4 → Open a combo box.
F9 → Refresh the contents of lookup filed, list box, or combo box.
Down Arrow → Move down one line.
Page Down → Move down one page.
Up Arrow → Move up one line.
Page Up → Move up one page.
Tab → Exit the combo box or list box.
4) Finding and Replacing Text or Data : -
Ctrl + F → Open the find tab in the find replace dilog box.
Ctrl + H → Open the Replace Tab in the find and replacen dialog box.
Shift + F4 → Find the text occurrence of the text specified in the find and replace dialog box when the dialog box is closed.
5) Working in Design View :-
F4 → Open a combo box.
F9 → Refresh the contents of lookup filed, list box, or combo box.
Down Arrow → Move down one line.
Page Down → Move down one page.
Up Arrow → Move up one line.
Page Up → Move up one page.
Tab → Exit the combo box or list box.
4) Finding and Replacing Text or Data : -
Ctrl + F → Open the find tab in the find replace dilog box.
Ctrl + H → Open the Replace Tab in the find and replacen dialog box.
Shift + F4 → Find the text occurrence of the text specified in the find and replace dialog box when the dialog box is closed.
5) Working in Design View :-
F2 → Switch between edit mode (With insertion point displyaed and navigation mode) (Where the entire field is seclected and the insertion point is not visible).
F4 → Switch to the property sheet (Design view in froms and reports in databases and access projects).
F5 → Switch to from view from design view.
F6 → Switch between the upper portions of a window. ( Design view of tables, macros and queries and the advanced filter/sort window only).
F7 → Switch to the code builder from or report design view (Design view window or propety sheet).
Shift + F7 → Switcch from the visual basic editor to from or report design view.
Alt + V,P → Open property sheet for a selected object.
6) Editing Controls in From and Report Design View :-
Shift + Enter → Add control to a section.
Ctrl + C → Copy the selected control to the clipboard.
Ctrl + X → Cut the selected control and copy it to the clipboard.
Ctrl + V → Paste the contents of the clipboard in the upper-left corner of the selected section.
Ctrl + Right Arrow → Move the selected control to the right.
Ctrl + Left Arrow → Move the selected control to left.
Ctrl + Up Arrow → Move the selected control up.
Ctrl + Down Arrow → Move the selected cintrol down.
Shift + Down Arrow → Increase the height of the selected control.
Shift + Right Arrow → Increase the width of the selected control.
Shift + Up Arrow → Reduce the height of the selected control.
Shift + Left Arrow → Reduce the width of the selected control.
7) Window Operations :-
F11 → Bring the database window to the front.
Ctrl + F6 → Cycle between open windows.
Enter → Restore the selected minimized window wwhen all windows are minimized.
Ctrl + F8 → Turn on resize mode for the active window when it's not miximized; press the arrow keys to resize the window.
Alt + Spacebar → Display the control menu.
Shift + F10 → Display the shortcut menu.
Ctrl + W + F4 → Close the activ window.
Alt + F11 → Switch between the visual basic editor and the previous active window.
Alt + Shift + F11 → Switch to the microsoft script editor from the previous activ window.
8) Working with Wizards :-
Tab → Move to the help button in the wizard.
Alt + N → Move to the next window in the wizard.
Alt + B → Move to the previous window in the wizard.
Alt + F → Close the wizard window.
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