Learn about Format and Tools Menu items in Microsoft Word - GK MOST



Saturday, 18 April 2020

Learn about Format and Tools Menu items in Microsoft Word

Learn about Format and Tools Menu items in Microsoft Word

Microsoft Word has a different menu. These include File, Edit, View, Insert, Format, Tools, Tables, Windows, Help menu.

Format and Tools Menu items in Microsoft Word


Font : This option is used to change the size of the font, font steel or font in the document.

Paragraph : With this option we can set how much we want to keep the spelling between the two                            lines, the spacing between the two paragraphs.

Bullets and Numbering : This option is used to separate any information in the document from                                                     numbering or symbols.

Border and Shading : This option is used to create or shade the typed information box.

Columns : This option is used to write more than one column of information.

Drop Case :With this option we can type a letter upper and left normal words as shown in the figure.

Change Case : This option is used to convert any letter in the document to the Sentence case, toggle                            case, lower case or upper case.

Back Ground : This option is used to put a color background in the document.

TOOLS MENU (Alt + T) :

Spelling and Grammer : This option is used to check the spelling or grammar in the document.

Word Count : With the help of options we get complete statistics. It contains information about how                           many pages, lines and paragraphs the word contains.

Auto Summaries : With this option, we get the entire document summarized. It shows us the                                               summary of the total number of words and sentences given.

Auto Correct : This option is used to automatically replace any misspelled word in the document.

Protect Document : This option is used to password protect the document.

Mail Merge : This option is used to send a letter to more than one person.

Envelops and Lables : This option is used to take print out of address on any cover or even print out                                         of address or any other small meter on label.

Macro : This option is used to record the process.

Templated : This option is used to display any file in different formats.